The French research teams MOAIS and MESCAL, Grenoble, INRIA/LIG and the Brazilian University UFRGS, Porto Alegre closely collaborate since 1992. This collaboration is centered on: Grid computing tools related to system and application deployment, job scheduling, execution monitoring and visualisation ; Modeling, evaluating and experimenting on large scale computer systems (performance evaluation, experimentations, simulation, emulation) ; New parallel programming paradigms: work stealing, fault tolerance, processor and cache oblivious algorithms, multi-core and multi-GPU programming.
Frequent visits between partners and numerous co-adviced Master and Ph.D. students make it a really fruitful collaboration. It as a strong influence on the development of many of our software tools, including KAAPI, OAR, Kadeploy, Taktuk,…. We also share some of our computing resources. The cluster from UFRGS was integrated in 2009 as the first non european non of the Grid’5000 french experimental grid.
This collaboration has been supported by various grants from different institutions since 1992 (Equipe associée INRIA, CNPQ-INRIA, CAPES-COFECUB, PICS CNRS).
The Teams
Current Ph.D. Students
- Francieli Zanon Boito (Yves Denneulin, Philippe Navaux)
- Joao V. F. Lima (Bruno Raffin, Nicolas Maillard)
- Laercio Lima Pilla (Jean-Francois Mehaut, Philippe Navaux)
- Marcio Bastos Castro (Jean-Francois Mehaut, Luiz Gustavo Leao Fernandes)
- Rodrigo Virote Kassick (Yves Denneulin, Philippe Navaux)
- Stefano Drimon Kurz Mor (Jean-Louis Roch, Nicolas Maillard)
Defended Ph.D Thesis
Marcia Cristina Cera. Providing Adaptability to MPI Applications on Current Parallel Architectures. 2011
Christiane Pousa Ribeiro. Contributions on Memory Affinity Management for Hierarchical Shared Memory Multi-core Platforms. Grenoble University (CAPES grant). 2011.
Kelly Rosa Braghetto. Modeling Techniques for Business Process Performance Analysis. 2011
Pedro Velho. Accurate and Fast Simulations of Large-Scale Distributed Computing Systems. Grenoble University (CAPES grant). 2011.
Everton Hermann. Interactive Physical Simulation on Multi-Core and Multi-GPU Architectures. INP Grenoble. 2010.
Thais Webber. Reducing the Impact of State Space Explosion in Stochastic Automata Networks. PUCRS. 2009.
Lucas Mello Schnorr. Some Visualization Models applied to the Analysis of Parallel Applications. INP Grenoble. 2009.
Afonso Corrêa de Sales. Réseaux d’Automates Stochastiques : Génération de l’espace d’états atteignables et Multiplication vecteur-descripteur pour une sémantique en temps discret. INP Grenoble. 2009
Leonardo Brenner. Réseaux d’Automates Stochastiques : Analyse transitoire en temps continu et Algèbre tensorielle pour une sémantique en temps discret. INP Grenoble. 2009
Rafael B. Avila. Un modèle de distribution de serveur de fichiers pour grappes. INP Grenoble. 2005
Mauricio Pillon. DRAC: Un système de contrôle d’exécution pour multiprocesseur à mémoire partagée. INP grenoble. 2004
Benhur de Oliveira Stein. Visualisation interactive et extensible de programmes parallèles à base de processus légers. INP Grenoble. 1999
Alexandre Carissimi. Le noyau ex{écutif Athapascan-0 et l’exploitation de la multiprogrammation légère sur les grappes de stations multiprocesseurs. INP Grenoble. 1999.
Gerson Geraldo Homrich Cavalheiro. Athapascan 1~: Interface générique pour l’ordonnancement dans un environnement d’exécution parallèle. INP Grenoble. 1999.
Marcelo Pasin. Mouvement efficace de données pour la programmation parallèle irrégulière. INP Grenoble. 1999.
Paulo Fernandes. Méthodes numériques pour la solution de systèmes markoviens à grand espace d’états. INP Grenoble. 1998